Project Details
This page would showcase an assortment of 3D renders highlighting techniques with modeling and device presentation. Along with Sci-Fi UI practice.

AI powered meditative companion, after a session you recite your downloads and the AI will bring together the findings.

AI powered air filter

Chat GPT, listening device that has your memories with your profile.

Advanced mental recording device.

Recording UI

FWB speaker, records data from all playing sessions

Heavy emphasis on hierarchy within this UI

I typically love the small labels on tech devices with warnings

Fictional amazon workplace monitor

Device can register your bodily functions, to avoid unnecessary breaks.

Experimenting with how screens protrude.

Astral projection tracker device

A small struggle with just coming up with a layout with hierarchy in this one.

I thought Nike would love a play in this :o ?

The Amazon toaster

Please renew your prime subscription

My first attempt :)

Experimented a little bit with C4D, still have much to learn.

Making small devices that make you pause for a second to think about the world around us, has and will always be a fun little project of mine
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Monday to Friday 9AM - 6PM